How You Can Make a Difference
There's an imperative need for charity work in Africa, as the region is facing humongous socio-economic challenges, one of which is limited healthcare access. Healthcare is a right but in some African climes, it's a privilege, with countless Africans being unable to get the healthcare they need.
Helpster bridges this gap by providing a platform for funding medicare for the most marginalised groups on the continent, and organising free regular medical outreaches in remote communities. These vulnerable groups face the highest health risks, and without medical aid, they suffer or die. Our charity projects in Africa seek to provide life-saving medicare and empowerment.
From providing prenatal/postnatal care for mothers, treatment of life-threatening conditions for children, surgeries and health education during medical outreaches, Helpster is transforming health outcomes for Africans. With our platforms, you can easily contribute to charity projects in Africa from anywhere in the world, and track the progress of your contribution and its ultimate impact.