
Charity Work Across Asia

Be the Change
Asia is one of the continents struggling to achieve universal health coverage, with over 350 million people in South Asia alone living in poverty, and suffering from preventable diseases due to lack of financial means to access essential medicare. Access to healthcare is a big issue on the continent, causing avoidable deaths and compounding the economic woes of the very vulnerable groups.
However, Helpster Charity, an international nonprofit leveraging technology to ease healthcare access for underserved communities, has intervened. Helspter operates in Bangladesh, Cambodia and Sri Lanka, introducing programmes aimed at bringing life-saving medical help to children in Asia. We're bridging the divide and empowering the vulnerable.
Providing Medical Assistance to Asia
Through an innovative app and website, Helpster empowers individuals and organisations to provide help in Asia by funding medical cases. Focusing on children and pregnant women, we're liberating Asians from poverty, as medical charity plays a great role in poverty reduction. This is our healthcare funding programme which seamlessly connects donors to Asians needing critical medicare. The process is transparent and efficient.

Our second core programme is the regular conduct of free medical outreaches in remote communities across Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Cambodia. We locate areas with serious healthcare access limitations and take medical services to them- screening, diagnosis, treatment and sensitisation. At the last medical outreach, held in October 2024, in Sapua and Sondhao villages, Feni and Pabna Districts of Bangladesh, 814 individuals were treated. By organising these outreaches, we ensure that the most marginalised sections receive life-saving medicare.

Bangladesh: Helpster’s Focus on Maternal and Child Health
Bangladesh grapples with maternal and child health issues. Maternal mortality rates are alarmingly high in rural areas while, according to UNICEF, one in six children dies before their fifth birthday because of issues around limited healthcare. We're tackling the challenge by prioritising children and pregnant women in our healthcare funding and medical outreaches.

Through our medical charity in Bangladesh, enabled by the generosity of donors, several women and children have received medicare and crucial health education, thereby reducing preventable deaths and enhancing the wellbeing of these Asians.

Cambodia: Addressing Healthcare Disparities

Limited healthcare access is one of the challenges besetting Cambodia. Apart from that, it suffers inadequate health infrastructure and medical personnel. This makes healthcare inaccessible to the indigent people. The offshoot is a high number of preventable illnesses and increased mortality among children and pregnant women.

Helspter is addressing these issues by working with volunteers and healthcare institutions to organise free medical camps where we offer medications and preventative health education. This is in addition to healthcare funding via app and website. With these initiatives, we aim to plug the loopholes in healthcare access and contribute immensely to the healthcare system of Cambodia

Sri Lanka: Bringing Medicare to the Underserved
Sri Lanka is also struggling with providing adequate medicare in underserved communities. The people in such remote areas have limited access to healthcare facilities, leading to preventable deaths and even complications during childbirth.

We aim to resolve some of these issues through our free regular medical outreaches which we conduct in such rural communities, providing essential medicare to keep them healthy and empower them.

Making a Difference With Helpster
Our goal in Asia is to empower vulnerable populations with life-saving healthcare, ensuring that the lack of financial means doesn't prevent them from receiving the critical medical care they need. We combine technology with community partnerships to address healthcare inequalities, and bring help to Asia.

You can join us in offering medical assistance in Asia. Whether you're making a donation, volunteering, serving as an ambassador or partnering for your company's CSR projects, rest assured that your support will make a huge difference in the lives of these Asians. You'll not only save their lives but also position them for economic prosperity.

Want to help Asia? Make a donation here!

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Donating you provide underprivileged children with vital basic healthcare where it's most needed
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Your donation will be automatically used on a kid prioritized by the doctors. Report will follow on your email

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