Welcome, Hero!

Life-saving treatment cost at Helpster is just 231 USD!
Any amount you can give will mean the world to those who need your help!
You can help a child with one-time donation or choose a monthly subscription and help children constantly
Your donation will be automatically used on a case prioritized by the doctors. Report will follow on your email

How it works

Let's provide vital healthcare to children where it's most needed

Welcome, Hero!

Please choose the amount you would like to spend monthly on saving lives!
Changed your mind?

Download Helpster App

Mobile application Helpster on iOS & Android is going to be the leading source of donations and history tracking.
(Apple smartphones)
Google play
(Android smarphones)

Download Helpster App

Mobile application Helpster on iOS & Android is going to be the leading source of donations and history tracking.
(Apple smartphones)
Google play
(Android smarphones)

Welcome, Hero!

Let's provide underprivileged children with vital basic healthcare where it's most needed
You can help a child with one-time donation or choose a monthly subscription and help children constantly
Your donation will be automatically used on a kid prioritized by the doctors. Report will follow on your email

How it works