
The true story of Shoaib, Bangladesh

- Case ID: 676

- Name: Shoaib Hossen

- Age: 10 y.o

- Diagnosis: Acute Appendicitis

- Residence: Santhia, Pabna, Bangladesh

- Cost: 365 usd

- Hospital: Polly Akota Unnayan Sanstha (RUDO)

- Poverty score: 121

- Urgency score: 22

- Admission date: the 26th of January

- Discharge date: the 1st of February
Family & Child Story:

Shoaib Hossen is a 10-year-old boy who lives with his parents and older brother. They are a very poor family and don't own any land. Shoaib is currently in the second grade at a government primary school in their area. He's a good student and enjoys playing football.

Irshad Ali (Father): “We would like our son to grow up and join the army, to keep our country safe. Hopefully, we will be able to support him financially until he grows up. I am a day laborer, and rickshaw puller (a motor one). I make 6000 taka per month, but it is not enough for a family of 4. I have two sons, and a wife. They all try to do some small jobs, but anyway we cannot afford the medical treatment needed for Shoaib.

I have built the house on land that was given free by the Government, so we don’t pay the rent, but we have other expenses such as electricity bills (300 taka), food (5000 taka), phone calls (button phone, 100 taka). I also pay for the rent of the rikshaw.”

Irshad Ali (Father): “My son, Shoaib has a sudden onset of persistent vomiting, along with fever and severe abdominal pain. He was quickly taken to the hospital and the doctor provided emergency treatment. After examination, the doctor in the Government hospital said it was appendicitis. We were very worried as we didn’t have the money for the surgery. I was walking around and met RUDO Hospital health workers. I forgot the name, the one with a red beard. They told us about Helpster Charity, and accompanied us to RUDO hospital. There we met Dr.Arif, who immediately contacted Helpster Charity and at the same organized lab tests. Dr.Arif had asked us some questions about our lives. Based on this information and Medical notice Helpster Charity granted us the fund. We were stunned with happiness. But still worried as our son underwent the surgery at that time.”

How they got to know Helpster:

I was walking around and met RUDO Hospital health workers. I forgot the name, the one with a red beard. They told us about Helpster Charity, and accompanied us to RUDO hospital. There we met Dr.Arif, who immediately contacted Helpster Charity.

Treatment Outcomes:

Shoaib developed a mass in his appendix due to which he was advised to take antibiotic drugs. Due to which he had to undergo a direct abdominal surgery after 2 weeks of abdominal pain. This method of operation is called open surgery. Before the open surgery, the patient is usually given spinal anesthesia. In this process, the patient is paralyzed from the waist to the feet.

The operation was done through an incision on the right side of the lower abdomen (where the appendix is ​​located). The appendix was ​​then taken out, stitched with thread that blends with the body. The operation was successfully done. The surgical thread used for suturing should be cut and removed from the body seven to ten days after the operation.

After treatment:

Father: “The surgery went successfully. No complications. We got a big relief. Shoaib stayed 5 days at the hospital, then was discharged.

The next week, Dr.Arif, the MD and Deputy Director of Polly Akota Unnayan Sanstha (RUDO) organized a home visit to Shoaib’s house.

Father: “We were so happy to see Dr.Arif, and take part in the photoshooting. We showed him around our house, and played as kids. We have shown our goats and hens.”

Mother: “We are so happy now. We can continue our normal life. Our child feels comfortable, no pain, no fever. He can sleep and eat well. Thank you, Helpster Charity and RUDO Hospital!”